Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Examples Forthcoming

Melbourne is full of rubbish rock n roll bands.


There are plenty of decent bands though.

Poor Little Fella

Walked by this little guy in the park last night on the way home from Library. He looked like he had navigated the vehicle strewn masses of concrete, narrowly missing the thunderous trams and wicked humans on his way to the sanctuary of this park in the city centre. Now he was scouting the perimeters of the park trying to find his way back home.

Poor fella.


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Video of the Day

Been thrashing her album Year of Meteors since I got to Melbourne.

Iron Man

Aways back one of the first comics my folks bought me when I was a kid was Iron Man #131. A thrilling encounter between Iron Man and the Hulk and I still have my copy twenty eight years later. Above is a pic of the cast from the new Iron Man flick, first movie coming from Marvel after they got their 500+ Mills to make films. Damn it looks sweet. I don't think the dude has been bald in anything before and he make a great Obediah Stane. I have heard they won't be playing up Iron Man's alcoholism in this but I reckon it would be great if they show the positive side of drunk Iron Man, ala the Ultimate Iron Man, who wouldn't wanna knock back the booze to celebrate kicking bad guy ass? Especially with Robert Downey Jnr as Iron Man, I'm sure all his best films he was under an influence.

I am excited yes.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Found this in St Kilda, it's like a big statue of a naked guy lounging with some serpent snakes with a minature building below him and a serpent snake has got hold of a World War 2 plane above him. Maybe this was made to commemorate some elaborate fantasy event that happened last century and has now been wiped from our collective minds.

Lots of Hatred Around For this Fulla

Betty Blue


Found this the other day after listening to an audio book of Black Coffee Blues. It's a pretty angst filled listen, this guy seems to hate everything and everyone at some point. He has some fascinating diatribes on hate and hating in a positive way though, i could really relate to some of the things he was saying. Especially when you're looking at someone and then before you know it, it's too late you've looked through them. And God the coffee sounded good.

Currently Turning me on

I'm Not Bald I get my Hair cut this way.

Monday, June 4, 2007


I share a birthday with Ray Bradbury.


Sunday, June 3, 2007


Slept for 16 hours straight yesterday. Woke up feeling fab today.

Currently on the edge of the verge of employment. If this week goes swell I should be gainfully employed for several weeks.

Am compiling the pieces of a Wendy & Warlord opus, Wendy & Warlord Make Revenge, and also hope to have a bash at a Wendy 2D stop animation before the week is out.

Since I destroyed 2 Metlink cards by accident the other week, I'm not currently paying to use the public transport. Starting from today I've recouped $6.20 from what I lost in the great washout.

Fagan proudly informed me he's saved $150 on public transport since he got here, I dont think I'll make it that far but If I can make back the $42 or so dollars I carelessly destroyed I'll be happy.

It's not dishonesty it's enterprise and principal.