Sunday, May 29, 2011

Camberwell Haul #7

A nice stash of French comic albums...A Massive Moebius collection and an equally massive Druillet one. Lots of amazing Sci-Fi and fantasy artwork, Psychedelic colours, Mind bending futuristic city-scapes, and a steal at 5 Bananas a book. Also a couple Druillet Hardcovers from Dargaud, there were more there but i was trying to exercise restraint. 

A book of Fonts for Showcards and ticket writing from ye olde days for 2 pesos.
Ballantyne #1, 64 page collection of Australian newspaper strips for 5 rubles

A beaten up Dell comic, The Outer Limits #11, 4 shillings, Something to remind me that I have the complete original series of The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone lying around here waiting for me to watch them.

A hardcover collection of Richard Corben's work including a biography, flicking through it I noticed a section on his working processes which looks very interesting. love Corben's work, when I was fifteen a fellow was advertising comics for sale in the local paper (waaay pre-internet). I went, picked up a few goodies with my paper run wages including one of Corben's Den albums. He told me he was a drug dealer in Australia and was visiting his parents in Napier. He had laundered his money by spending $50,000 on comics. "The cops would never believe comics could be worth $50,000!!" he told me. Then he shipped them over to Napier. This was in the eighties and from the amount and quality of comics he had I believed him. I visited him one more time at his parents house were he had stashed all the comics in their attic. I can't remember for the life of me remember where that was though. I often wonder if the guy ended up a casualty of the gang wars in Australia and maybe those comics are still there.

Mackillop Lane

Yarra River

Little Brown Bear Sleeping

Mitch, Dom and Troy the handsome men at All star Comics

 Some Impressive Druillet Splashes

A bunch of books from 25 cent bins. Loved Peter MIlligan's work for 2000AD, his Human Target revamp for Vertigo, and also his collaboration with Michael Allred on X-Force and X-Statix. Duncan Fegredo's no slouch either so looking forward to reading their collaboration on Enigma. Also a bunch of Comikers I dig, Cam Kennedy, Eddie Campbell, Steve Rude, Hembeck, Mike Mignola, on various projects. Also some...ahem...supey-hero comics.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Song for Friday

Sometimes when I wander through the City I think about this song.

Picture Book Illustrations

Havn't been doing any comics lately. Mainly fretting about art and doing some picture book illustrations. Hopefully get back into the swing of things in June. A good bunch of events coming up over June and July too.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Daily Drawing #58

Daily Drawing #57

Daily Drawing #56

Cheap and Disposable

Melbourne currently has a ridiculous amount of comic shops. As the Direct Market goes down the gurgler and shops have to be more selective about what they import its a great time to pick up comics from various dollar and fifty- cent bins. These bins are populated by recent titles that were way over-ordered, drek from the nineties, and underground/indy goodies. While they're still available it's a pleasure to pick up some cheap bedside reading that I don't feel any necessity to hang onto. I would have little interest in some of these for cover price but from the cheapie bin I don't mind picking up a handful to read and I have no inclination to keep them, I can gift them to friends or use them to make paper machie dolphins. I wish comics were still like that. Cheap and Disposable.

Layout yoinked from Tom Spurgeon

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blog Dump

 Drawing comics at the Charters Towers Lookout

65 cent drawing from a 2009 convention. They asked for a singing fish, The Mafia, a Gay Horse, Their Friend Callum who had broken up with his girlfriend Isabelle.

 My $5 Robot poster sold gangbusters at the Melbourne Supanova

Here is a rejected gag strip from a magazine submission

 Your scripture for the day


Setlist from my sexcrime duo MEGAHEROES. My Compadre always hated it when i would name songs with icky sexual titles like Jailbait Surprise or Cockmaster 2000. Hopefully we will get back together this year. I have been making a big list of potential song titles.



Daily Drawing #55

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Smukey the Sexy Bear Script

Here are my scripts for a recent Smukey the Sexy Bear Comic on and the finished comic below. Dropped a lot of dialogue in the finished version and added some panels. The further I get into these things the more my writing gets unintelligible.

Daily Drawing #54

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Comical Weekend

Saturday I popped into my Local Comics Shop to pick up a few of the free comic book day comics.

 Alternate Worlds, closing down, moving online, or to a new premises or something.

 Alternate Worlds Youngblood, Eric Bing, and some local hack

Sweet Larry Boxshall, he sold a heckload of comics for me.

Then I jumped on my pushbike and went for a sweet ride to the city to visit All Star Comics and the Melbourne Comic Meet-Up in Carlton.

All Star Comics was busy as heck

You wouldn't like Dom when he works retail


 The lovely Katie Houghton-Ward sketchs and signs for fans.

 Joey Morris eyes up some freebies

 Paul 'Fierce' Bedford

 The Mighty Jolly Thor mans the till

Hopped a tram with 'Bedlam' Bedford and 'Maniacal' Mutard to the Prince Alfred in Carlton for the Melbourne Comic meet-up.

 Fred Atkins plays charades with Steve Sparke

Trev Wood shows Tom Taylor some dimensions whilst Paul Bedford glowers

 Here are some pics by Jean Cocteau from the New English Library edition of his Novel, Opium, The Diary of A Cure.
Here is a Horse with a hat that Miss Mai put into my coffee for me.