Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sydney Armageddon Haul

Picked up 4 charlton comics for $20, An issue of Steve Bissette's Tyrant for $1, $5 for an old Kirby Cap America comic that I remember buying from a spinner rack in the late seventies and an issue of Red circle Sorcery with some great Gray Morrow work. I knew Gray Morrow had passed but EEEK! man, Jason Paulos, clued me up that he had taken his own life in the vein of Jack Cole and Wally Wood. The First time I ever came across Gray Morrow's work was in Edge of Chaos #3 from Pacific Comics, I later enjoyed a run of his on the original Jonah Hex series.

A couple issues of Blammo, #6 and #7 which had only come off the press a couple days ago from the visiting indy cartoonist
Noah Van Sciver. He mentioned #7 is not even available in the States yet! Scoop. I hope they can bring more indy cartoonists out. The latest issue of Kagemono, Horror Anthology presided over by my pal Jason Franks , The Fuglies #1 for $5 from Steve Carter, Antoinette Rydyr (Scar) - crazy hyper violent psycho sexual mutant comics, gorgeously illustrated by the masters of Australian horror.

I used to go spending mad at these things but my tastes have luckily become a bit more discerning. Luckily for the sake of my wallet.

1 comment:

Brendan Halyday said...

matt, it looks like Armageddon Sydney was fun even in spite of the modest sales. My fave part of these events is often just hanging with the other creators...