Monday, November 28, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Not much time to read lately but have pulled in a few new acquisitions for the Guzumo Library. Fantagraphic's first two volumes in their reprinting of Floyd Gottfredson's Mickey Mouse work are a couple of beautiful books. Full of all the behind the scenes articles and biographical essays I love to read and the strips themselves. A P.K.Dick Book I picked up from an airport bargain table for 5 clams. The latest Black Jack volume from Vertical Inc. Tezuka's Black Jack is one of my favourite comics to read at the moment. Still a dozen earlier volumes I haven't read yet. I enjoyed the film A Single Man, so picked up a novel by Christopher Isherwood for a couple dollars from the Salvos.

30 clams from a second hand book shop in Wellington for a colossal Taschen volume about Men's Adventure magazines and the amazing paintings that adorned them. 2000AD collection of all the Black Hawk stories including the Sci Fi Specials, Annuals and early Tornado stories. Loved these stories when I was a kid and was surprised to find Joe Staton illustrated one of the Sci Fi Special stories. I remember back in the day liking the story but thinking the art was a bit weak compared to Bellardinelli and other European genius's that typically worked on these stories. Lastly a Biography of Tintin creator Herge told in a clear line style and in a volume similar to the Tintin books. Not a flattering portrayal but an interesting read. Good to see a few cameo appearances by Edgar P. Jacobs, Herge collaborator and creator of Blake and Mortimer, a series I've picked up on recently through the cinebook reprints.
