Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daily Drawing #7

Camberwell Haul #2

On the road this morning at 6:30. About 6:40 a disoriented guy was stumbling towards me. As I got closer I realised he had no top on. As I passed him I saw he was naked save a shirt wrapped around his waist. I though for a second maybe I should offer him my shirt and I could go home and get another. But really he was probably an idiot and I should not help him. Plus I really liked the shirt I was wearing. So I went on my way. There was some neat stuff around today, I almost bought a Los Angeles newspaper from 1951 that had a full page of Comics, Nancy, Abbie & Slatts, Mary Worth etc. If it had been a sunday comics section I would have snapped it up.

What i got:

5 Walter Foster art books for $2 each. I already have the cartooning and animation books in this series but thought it would be cool to snap up some more since they were cheap. They had come from an estate sale and had belonged to a lady that painted. There were another 40-50 books in this series there as well as many painting and illustration instructional books. I have to be careful not to get carried away.

King City #6 - $2 - Am waiting for a collection of Brandon Graham's series but for $2 I couldn't resist. Probably should have bought Orc Stain #1 which they had as well.

Bruce Lee - Words of the Dragon - 50 cents - I was a Steve McQueen fan when I was younger and my best pal was Bruce Lee fan. I still love Mcqueen, especially Papillion but probably lean more to Lee these days. Hell, they're both great! I always got a kick that Bruce's wife's maiden name was the same as mine. This is a book of interviews with Bruce.

Bone vol one - $2 - Already bought this a few times but makes a good present for folk.

Stalin's Nemesis The Exile and Murder of Leon Trotsky - Free - (found on the ground on my way back from the market.) My knowledge of Trotsky stems solely from Geoffrey Rush's portrayal in the Frida Kahlo film. This looks like a comprehensive look at his life.

Combined Comic Launch #1

Bobby N's Stunning poster

Happy Comix Fans

A man with good taste

A few seconds after this photo I had to choke a bitch

Bruce Mutard confronts Colin Wilson while Bobby N and Tom Taylor look on
(Yoinked from Andrei Butter's Facebook)

"Blah! Blah! Blah! Why don't you all go fuck yourselves..." (Yoinked from Andrei again...)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ralphie the Lonely Ghost

My good friend Brendan Halyday has been illustrating a story I wrote for his upcoming kids comic anthology CLUBHOUSE COMICS. heres the first page of the story, he has a few more up at his blog.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Camberwell Haul #1

When I can get out of bed on Sunday mornings I bike for an hour or so out to the Camberwell markets which have to be one of the biggest boot/carpark stall markets in Melbourne. I'm on the hunt for interesting old books/comics/magazines and it's rare I leave empty handed. Today I picked up the following:

3 Heavy metal Mags from the 80's (when they were still good) $6

A large bound collection of Dave Berg's Mad cartoons (I've probably read enough Dave Berg for this lifetime or definitely will have after finishing this.) $4

A Rage To Live - 900 page biography of Richard Burton the Brilliant, charismatic scholar, adventurer and translator of Arabian nights and his wife Isabel Burton. My knowledge of Richard Burton stems solely from reading Philip Jose Farmer's Riverworld series which cast this real life man and his wife in a reincarnated sci-fi fantasy setting. The couple depicted in farmer's books were fascinating i imagine their real-life counterparts were too. I bought this for the princely sum of $1.

The first two trades of Astonishing X-men by Joss Whedon and John Cassady, I read and enjoyed these a few years ago from the library and $6 for two books in new condition I couldn't resist.

The Sticky Zine Fair 2011

Jason 'Guh!' Harper Glares at the camera

A 'musician' and a 'robot'

Great music and lot better for an enclosed space than last years brass band.

These kids had great comics and even slipcase collections of them!

My haul, The latest from my friends Bobby N and James Andre + other goodies. Thanks To Miss Mai for taking the pics for me.

Daily Drawing #4

Finished Back Cover of The Guzumo Show