Sunday, September 30, 2007

People at the Zoo

Signs at the Zoo

Animals at the Zoo

Went to the Zoo a couple weeks ago. It was pretty sad, some animals were perched as high as they could get in their enclosures I think in a bid to escape. Some lay about or paced like they were just waiting to die. i guess for some endangered animals it's in their best interests to be in captivity but gee it seems a cruel life to live in a small cage for your whole existence. Some enclosures seem really small compared to the size of the animals. The Gorilla's were frighteningly human and one of them stared at me quite a bit. I think he was reading my thoughts but after a while he realised the futility of reading my mind.

After a couple hours there I started to think about what would happen to these animals after a major world changing event like what will be happening in 2012. Someone would need to carefully free these animals otherwise they will starve in their enclosures cause I'm sure all the keepers will take off or be dead.

This could be my mission. I've often thought if there was a zombie outbreak it would be up to me to cut through all the number 8 fences in NZ to free all the livestock from starvation trapped in paddocks on farms.

For this task I will need a Battle Truck. I've already started saving.


Things I Did Today:

Got out of bed at 7am

Made some paper

Found a desk for Benny Lava

Wrote a couple songs (bout the first music I've done in a year)

Drank two coffees

Ate three vegeterian sausages

Listened to one of my favourite albums of all time, Hayden's Everything I Long For

Added a couple printers to my used printers collection

Visited Fagan and Haley

Spoke with my brother

Traded some books for Hubert Selby Jnr book and $9.00

Wrote a letter

Friday, September 7, 2007




Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Crooked Little Vein

Finished Warren Ellis's first novel Crooked Little Vein on the weekend. This book is full of sick, perverted, just plain wrong stuff, and for the first time ever I flinched from reading written words. I loved it.

Paper Lord

Raw materials for paper making. Paint can, rug, paper and blender acquired from where people discarded them in the street. Ice cream container bought by flatmate from dairy (Milk Bar) around the corner for about $6.00. Notice power cables safely tucked at least 25 cms away from water.

Large barbeque lid acquired (stolen) from outside an Op shop. Used in an upside down fashion for the pulp bath. Using some strips of Gaffer tape (A strong type of selotape) I taped over the vent in the lid and a couple holes to prevent the water (H20) from leaking.

Mesh ($3.50 for a metre) and picture frame with metal 1cm chicken wire ($6.50 for a metre) gaffered into it. I utilise these on large plastic wheelie bins that are supplied by the council for paper making. They are a good height to work at to prevent back ache. It is important to bend your knees when going low.

Okay after a bit of tomfoolery I have these sheets of paper that are drying out on this crappy deck chair that i scored from the street. They are sandwiched between newspapers (free from wheelie bin outside newsagent) and cut up sheets that I borrowed from outside the op shop.

The first test piece. Just lovely.

Close up shot. You can see where I almost chopped off my finger when i was a lad. Walked into my folks room with it hanging by the skin. Hee! Hee!

Nothing to do with paper production but re-read Ubik last week and re-blew my mind. especially felt a bolt when one character said: "My name is Matt, although some people call me Billy..."

Forbidden Knowledge

Have recently been scoring many fine books. This one screamed out at me with its title: Encyclopedia of Forbidden Knowledge as mandatory reading.

Living Quarters/Rehearsal Space

Vegetable Garden Update

The Lighter Side of Rape

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Life is now consumed with making paper.

Had a good day in the paper factory.