Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Blog! Blog! Blog!

I arrived in Melbourne on the 1st May, 2007. Since then I've spent the last week and a half exploring and hanging out at all the wonderful regional libraries. This weekend I go to see Secret Chiefs 3!

As of landing in this country I gave up drinking coffee which left me irritable, withdrawn and tired for a week but I'm pulling through now yes! The whole time difference thing here affected me dramatically as well, I can barely stay awake past 10 pm but also find myself waking around 6:30am, which is kinda cool, nice to get into the day early and rested.

Staying with some with some lovely folks that hopefully wont mind me crashing on their couch until Karlos and I move into a pad at the end of the month.

Working on a bunch of written works to mail off tomorrow in an effort to get paid for words and have the Emerging Writers Festival to prepare some comics/prose for at the end of the month...

If I can stave off sensible employment this year, I'll be most happy!

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