Sunday, June 24, 2007

Iron Man

Aways back one of the first comics my folks bought me when I was a kid was Iron Man #131. A thrilling encounter between Iron Man and the Hulk and I still have my copy twenty eight years later. Above is a pic of the cast from the new Iron Man flick, first movie coming from Marvel after they got their 500+ Mills to make films. Damn it looks sweet. I don't think the dude has been bald in anything before and he make a great Obediah Stane. I have heard they won't be playing up Iron Man's alcoholism in this but I reckon it would be great if they show the positive side of drunk Iron Man, ala the Ultimate Iron Man, who wouldn't wanna knock back the booze to celebrate kicking bad guy ass? Especially with Robert Downey Jnr as Iron Man, I'm sure all his best films he was under an influence.

I am excited yes.