Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cheap and Disposable

Melbourne currently has a ridiculous amount of comic shops. As the Direct Market goes down the gurgler and shops have to be more selective about what they import its a great time to pick up comics from various dollar and fifty- cent bins. These bins are populated by recent titles that were way over-ordered, drek from the nineties, and underground/indy goodies. While they're still available it's a pleasure to pick up some cheap bedside reading that I don't feel any necessity to hang onto. I would have little interest in some of these for cover price but from the cheapie bin I don't mind picking up a handful to read and I have no inclination to keep them, I can gift them to friends or use them to make paper machie dolphins. I wish comics were still like that. Cheap and Disposable.

Layout yoinked from Tom Spurgeon

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