Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Supanova Perth 2011 Report

Supanova Perth 2011 was the best convention I've been to in recent years. A great crowd of interesting people packed into a perfect size venue. In comparison to other con's the size of the aisles were perfect for keeping a steady flow of folk coming by but not too small that there was trouble with congestion. 

The Cosplay kids were out in force, dozens of Doctor Who's, mainly the last two incarnations but I also saw a Tom Baker. Several years ago these kids could have cared less about the Doctor! I watched Hartnell, Pertwee and Baker in my youth! I'm a true fan! But seriously i'm glad he is uber popular again, long may he regenerate.

I've yet to see The Phantom at one of these things, I would have thought with his popularity in Australia there would have been one or two pot-bellied middle aged folk in purple spandex. Maybe I need to step up to the plate?

Anyway I had a blast, sold a Moses strength pile of comics, ate some good food and met some nice folk.  My host, Paul Spencer, was super duper, showed me around Perth and introduced me to some some cool folk.

This fella had the table to the right of me. Sixteen year old Reece Hauxby, Australia's youngest Dark Science Fantasy Author. A steady audience of all ages bought his debut novel, Justin Gale Deals With Death, and he had many young giggling schoolgirls lining up to have their photo taken with him. I had none.

These kids were so cute! I asked their mum, but alas they had no Fred...

Mario and Luigi were there

 As were their sisters

 Some young folk standing in front of my table


 Wolfgang Bylsma of Sydney Publishers Gestalt Comics

Paul Abtruse in need of a toilet break

The lovely and talented folk of Monster Robot Industries, Jess Mcleod and Edward J Grug. I've been a fan of these guys for a few years thanks to a mutual friend, Ive Sorocuk, and it was nice to finally meet them. These guys take making comics seriously but dont take comics themselves too seriously which I wish more folk would do. Too many grim dark generic avenger of the night comics out there for my liking. Monster Robot comics are cute, funny, and brilliantly coloured. There's a place for all sorts of comics in the world but more comics should be like these! I had some great chats with these guys about supey- hero comics and buying comic books from the glorious Book Depository. Meeting Jess and Grug was one of the highlights of my weekend.

With the DC Reboot Zatanna would now be holding Doc Strange's wand

 I asked Mario to look 'dangerous'. He whipped out a pistol, grabbed a handful of comics, and told me there was nothing I could do about it.

Tom Taylor stocking up on Archie comics


It's okay they're too young to understand

Two Doctors and a Dalek girl in the background

 Some Black Guy

On Saturday night I tagged along with Paul, his lady Kim, and his flatmate Matt. To avoid confusion they decided to refer to me as Emery for the evening which was funny as most of my pals call me that anyway. We went out to a secret bar with no signage at the back of a winding alley covered in some sweet art. Later we popped into a friend's 30th Party. It was a 1980's themed party, we were woefully prepared.

 'Indiana' Kim , 'Witch' Paul and 'Matt' Matt

 1980's PARTY TIME!!

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